I am a huge fan of the group coupon companies that have sprouted up all over the interweb. For me, it's a great way to try the hundred or so restaurants I want to here in Beantown. My most recent super deal was at Pops Restaurant in the South End...
Cardiac arrest in a cast iron skillet.
If you happen to go, get the Cantina Fries. It is french fries topped with cheddar cheese, confit duck, chicharonnes, mole sauce, sour cream and jalapenos. We had to try them based on the description alone. They are so bad for you, they're good...
Two key ingredients:
butternut squash + goat cheese.
The biggest draw to Pops is that the chef buys primarily from local farmers markets. It is reflelcted in the prices. No entree over $18.00! The theme of the menu is comfort and our entrees hit the spot. Perfect on a cold winter night...
Now that is what I call a burger.